Thursday, March 1, 2012

IST Energy – Finding Its Niche

There is a business philosophy that says you should do one thing and do it well. Find your niche, specialize in something and establish yourself.
IST Energy's GEM is modular, making for easy
transportation. Courtesy: Entrepreneur Magazine.

That’s exactly what IST Energy is doing. The Waltham, Mass.-based company has developed its Green Energy Machine (GEM), a “container-sized waste-to-energy conversion system” and is currently working on getting its first project installed at Edwards Air Force Base in California.

What makes the GEM a perfect fit for the military is its small size and modular shape, making it easy to deploy to bases overseas. The system takes paper, plastic, food and agricultural waste and shreds it before sucking out the moisture to create dense pellets. The pellets are then fed into a downdraft gasifier which yields a low-BTU syngas (approximately 180 BTU/SCF) that can be used in an electric boiler or generator.

While the flagship project was originally scheduled to be up and working in early 2011, the project has been stalled by permitting obstacles. The company made progress in December and hopes to be commencing demo activities soon.

Better BTU Take: With a price tage of $1.1million and an electrical output of 72 kWe, the GEM is still fairly expensive for the private sector. IST Energy has been smart by targeting the military, where the price of the electricity isn’t as important as the availability of it in remote locations. 

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